Employee Voice & Employee Communication


What is Voice of Employee

“Voice of employee is defined as the opportunity for employees to express concerns about policies in the workplace and offer ideas about how to improve conditions in the workplace”. Employees can raise their voices in two ways: formal and informal. Employees can discuss or provide feedback whenever they have work-related concerns on a daily basis in an informal manner. Formal means that the company collects employee feedback in a systematic way, for as through surveys or portals. (Mahan, 2019)


The Importance of Voice of Employee

Listening to employees' concerns is vital, as is taking appropriate action and keeping them informed in order to maintain transparency. There may be an incident for which you have a solution, and there may be issues for which you do not. Employees and leaders and managers in the organization should have a good relationship and establishing a culture that values employee voice will help to strengthen this relationship. (workplace, 2022)


The benefits of employee voice

Organizations needs to encourage employees voice as it would be benefitted by both employee and organization. (Mahan, 2019)

Ø  Increased retention

Ø  Increased engagement

Ø  Improved job satisfaction

Ø  High performance ratings

Ø  Employee development


How to capture employee voice

A organization can encourage employee voice in a number of different ways. However, selecting and establishing an effective system is extremely difficult. If an organization loves its employees and has a good employee voice system in place, employee engagement will increase. Improving employee engagement requires integrating employee voice systems into your workplace culture. The methods listed below can be utilized to obtain feedback from employees. (Sinclair, 2021)

Ø  Surveys

Ø  Innovation meetings

Ø  Feedback

Ø  One to Ones

Ø  Company wide discussions


Figure 01: Methods of capturing employee voice. Source (Vantagecircle, 2021)

What is employee communication

“Employee communication is often defined as the sharing of information and ideas between the management of an organization and employees and vice versa”. Organizations must have high-level communication systems in place, and all-important info must be communicated to employees and customers on a timely basis. This will ensure that the organization runs smoothly. Employee communication does not indicate that a firm merely informs its employees about anything. The organization must ensure that employees understand the message and that feedback is gathered. (QuestionPro, 2022)


Benefits of effective employee communication

Employee communication is necessary in order to create employee trust. The benefits of effective employee communication are listed below. (Firstup, 2021)

Ø  Increases employee engagement

Ø  Maintains workplace harmony

Ø  Helps manage a diverse workplace

Ø  Improves the employee experience

Ø  Encourages innovation

Ø  Increases inter-departmental communication



There are many ways to get employee feedback and engage with them, but some of them will not produce the desired results. Employees feel delighted when their voices are heard and actions are taken, and this creates a very engaged culture in the organization when effective communication takes place from the employer's end. 




Firstup, 2021. What is employee communication and why it’s more important than ever. [Online]
Available at: https://firstup.io/blog/what-is-employee-communication-and-why-its-more-important-than-ever/
[Accessed 29 April 2022].

Available at: https://workinstitute.com/defining-of-voice-of-the-employee-why-it-is-important/
[Accessed 29 April 2022].

QuestionPro, 2022. Employee communication: Definition, Importance, and Tips. [Online]
Available at: https://www.questionpro.com/blog/employee-communication/
[Accessed 29 April 2022].

Sinclair, S., 2021. Employee Voice. [Online]
Available at: https://www.talkfreely.com/blog/employee-voice
[Accessed 29 April 2022].

Vantagecircle, 2021. Employee Satisfaction Survey: A Brief Guide. [Online]
Available at: https://blog.vantagecircle.com/employee-satisfaction-surveys/
[Accessed 29 April 2022].

workplace, 2022. Employee voice: how listening will help you build culture and win the war for talent. [Online]
Available at: https://www.workplace.com/blog/employee-voice
[Accessed 29 April 2022].





  1. Productivity of employees increases when they are happy at work. Therefore paying attention to employee voice is very important. Not only pay attention but also need to provide suitable solutions as soon as possible. Good Luck

  2. The HRM should listen to their employees views and perception on how they are being treated within the company. Its necessary to provide a sound atmosphere to derive the full capacity of their work. You have explained employee voice & communication well. Good luck !

  3. As discussed, employee communication is very important to maintain good relations between employees and supervisors. It will boost employee morale and increase engagement levels. Employees will be encouraged to voice their issues which will prevent conflicts and disputes.

    1. Yes exactly. Thank you for your valuable comment

  4. Employees free their minds on expressing their ideas. Because of this they are clearly happy to work. Employees should have the opportunity to formally or informally notify management of the organization or themselves whenever they are harmed. You have selected a very good topic.Good job.

  5. Employee voice is defined as the ability for employees to express their concerns about workplace policies and make suggestions for how to improve working conditions and Employee communication is the sharing of information, ideas, and feelings between employees and managers of a company. Good article all the best.

  6. Communication is a very very valuable factor to every company .its should be effective communication. Thing employee communication will affect active organization productivity and high efficiency. You try to explain those things it's a good effort. Good luck

  7. Effective voice contributes to building trust with employees and promoting innovation, productivity and organizational development. For employees, voice self-expression often feels valued, with increased job satisfaction, greater influence and better opportunities for growth. Good Artica

  8. The topic that u have published is a very important one in todays world .Because for some reason most organizations tend to care not about their employees voices. Articles like these can help in giving those organization an idea , why they should listen to their work force. So this article will be a good one for all employers who thinks "I am the boss".

    1. Yes agree with you. Thank you for your valuable comment

  9. HR managers should pay attention to their employees' perspectives on how they are treated at work. They require a nice working environment to get the most out of their trade. You have sufficiently discussed employee voice and communication. Best wishes!

  10. Employee communication is verymuch important in an organisation. To have good relationships with the employees as well. Also HR should have proper communication system to minimise staff related issues.
    Well done


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